The Journal of Retina&Vitreous is a double-blind peer-reviewed, international periodical about glaucoma and cataract. The publicition language is English. The Journal of Retina&Vitreous is published quarterly (March, June, September and December).
The aim of the Journal of Retina&Vitreous is to publish research articles on original issues of the highest clinical and scientifi c quality at international level. Along with this aim it publishes reviews, short editorials articles, original case reports and fi gures covering fundamental innovations dealing with education. The required knowledge for ophthalmology specialists is assessed and releVant issues are addressed in the Journal of Retina&Vitreous.
The journal’s editorial and publishing process is adherent to standarts of ICMJE and COPE.
Any of the articles, drawings, fi gures and tables published in Journal of Retina-Vitreous can not be published or reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of the publisher. For scientifi c purpose (on contition that the reference is expressed) summerizing and quatations can be done. The authors are responsible for their articles, fi gures and photos and the companies are responsible for their advertisements.
Retina vitreous and Glaucoma cataract journals have been included in the indexes listed below since 2007.
-Türk Medline and the Turkish Citation Index
Gazi Eye Foundation
Corresponding Address
Prof. Dr. Berati Hasanreisoglu
Ergenekon Mah., Tepebasi Cad.,
Number: 1/4 Yenimahalle-Ankara, Turkey
Phone: +90 507 875 0664
Seher Şengül